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June 14, 2024

Sam Goldman, Ph.D.

Sam G. Headshot

Dr. Samuel (Sam) Goldman is an Associate at MPM BioImpact where he is responsible for investment identification and due diligence of public equities. Prior to completing his Ph.D. Sam was a fellow with MPM BioImpact, surveilling scientific fields and evaluating innovative technologies for MPM BioImpact’s portfolio.

Sam completed his Ph.D. in Computational and Systems Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Professor Connor Coley’s lab. His research focused on developing new artificial intelligence and machine learning methodologies to analyze small molecules, proteins, and mass spectrometry data. During his time at MIT, Sam served as Co-President of the MIT Biotechnology Group and Co-Managing Director of a student-led life sciences accelerator, Nucleate.

Sam received his A.B., summa cum laude, in Computer Science from Harvard College, with a secondary focus in microbial sciences. He also competed on their NCAA Division I wrestling team and is still an avid college wrestling fan.